Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Miracle of Life

First weddings now babies. The waves of life! At my age, most of my friends are now married and having kids. My Facebook newsfeed is full of cute babies through all stages of life. It's very heart warming to see the love of my friends as parents not to mention how super cute their kids are. With that said how can I not think about the miracle of life? I mean, really think about it!! Two people come together and through intimacy the joining of a sperm and egg create a life. A person... a human being! And then after 9 months of growing this baby, he/she enters the world. Enters the world just as he/she was in your belly! It totally blows my mind. It is truly a miracle. 

Now you may be wondering why my picture is of my cat and not a baby. Well that's because I don't have any kids yet. Having a pet is liking having a kid. You love them as if they were your "kid" so I thought it would only be appropriate for me to post a picture of my "kid" until I have a baby! 

Thanks for reading and until next time, love your baby/pet with all you have! xo

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Power of Persistence

Very few words needed for this blog! When you are consistent and persistent, all your dreams will come true. Just believe in yourself and remain patient. 
Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, may all your dreams come true. xo

Sunday, June 9, 2013

HOME is where the heart is.

For me the word HOME has multiple meanings...

I generically use the word home when I reference the apartment I live in with John. This is a place of residency for us, a temporary holding spot. We have furnished this place with our belongings and have made it our own. It's a place of comfort and relaxation. This is the place that I'm happy to return to because I know that I have the man of my dreams, Diez (my cat) and my bed all waiting for me. I mean who wouldn't want to come home to a loving man, a loving cat, and the most comfortable king size bed ever? We are even growing a couple porch plants (tomatoes and peppers) as we both want to have a big garden someday when we own some property. We are taking full advantage of making this our home. We make this place the best it can be for us to be happy!

When I speak the word home (from my heart) I'm referencing a place that carries all its weight in gold. The place I knew as a child, teen, and young adult. A place of safety. A place where friendships emerged into life-long friends. A place where everyone knows your name like the show Cheers. A place of knowing, comfort, love, and memories. A place of family, strong bonds, lessons learned, first kisses, and so much more. I'm sure you have heard the quote, home is where the heart is. This is where my heart resides. When I'm having a bad day, I would give anything to be home. When I'm ready to celebrate for whatever reason, what I would do to celebrate at home. For this is where I will always refer to as HOME no matter where I physically live.
Thank you for taking the time to read! Until next time, from my HOME to yours - may you find a place of comfort and happiness in your home. xo

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Power of Support

“In your day, surround yourself with people who love you, motivate you, encourage you, and just make you feel good about being you!”
Tonight after work I went for a run with my love. I'm so thankful to have him in my life. It’s so nice to have someone who supports me, motivates me, and encourages me. What is so great about our relationship is that John and I do that for each other. I cannot stress enough how important a support system is. Whether it be a boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband, mom/dad, brother/sister, friend ... whoever it may be. Having a handful (or just one will do) of people who are there for you when times are tough, during times of celebration, and when you just want a friend to shop with is one of the best feelings to have. These are the people that will help you grow into the person you want to be, the ones that will make you better. They say you become who you surround yourself with. Make sure you choose wisely.
I know I quoted Jillian Michaels in my last blog but she just makes so much sense. She says everyone deserves to dream big and go for their goals!  Why, hell yes we do! If sharing your goals with people close to you becomes frustrating and upsetting because there is a lack of support then DO NOT SHARE with them! You must find other ways to have a relationship with these people. Only share with the people that support you. This will keep you on the path for achieving greatness.
Thank you for reading. Until next time, find someone who offers you support and be that someone for somebody else. xo

Sunday, June 2, 2013

WHY not me?

Remember being a little kid and being asked, "what do you want to be when you get older?" Remember? Maybe you said a doctor, nurse, fire fighter, animal doctor, like your mom or dad. Whatever it may have been - it was your dream. You believed at that time that you would grow into a young adult that could achieve what you believed.

Someone who I draw great inspiration from, Jillian Michaels wrote in her book Unlimited, "We were all born with the desire and the right to be happy. But somewhere along the way many of us got trained - by family, friends, religion, society at large, whoever - to believe that the human condition is predominantly one of suffering. And if we're not happy, it's just because "that's the way things are." That is the greatest lie ever told."

She definitely hit the nail on the head. We grow up to learn that after high school comes college. We must choose a degree for our future at the ripe young age of 18-23. We are so young to make this kind of decision. For me I wanted to be in the dental program at UVM. My parents could not afford to send me there with little to no financial aid and put my older brother through four years at Bryant. Now outside factors play into the picture of how my future will be determined. I ended up going to Bryant for business. Not many of us get a job in the field we went to college for. And if you don't go to college, you are set at a disadvantage from those that did. Society has life pre-determined for you unless you challenge the norm.

I have been out of college now for 10 years. After graduating from Bryant, I went back to school for my masters. I now hold a masters with a hefty amount of college debt and work in healthcare. I have been employed in this industry most of my working life. I have followed the standards just like most people do... until February 16th. This was my breakthrough moment. I decided to follow a passion of mine - health and wellness. I became a coach for Beachbody.  I joined with the intentions of helping as many people as I can get healthy. Never did I imagine how drastically my life would change. It gave me the right to dream again. I have started setting goals and working towards achieving them. Why can't I have everything that I have always wanted? Why can't I live the life I daydream of? Why not me? I challenge you to ask yourself the same question! Learn how to dream again. And when you figure out what you are passionate about, does that align with what you do for work, for your happiness. Start to question what it is that makes you happy. You do not deserve to live an unhappy life just because "that's the way it is."

Until next time,  I dare you to dream ... dream so big that it scares you ... and then go after it!! xo

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Until one has loved...

"Until one has loved a pet, a part of their soul remains unawakened." 
Diezel (I call him Diez)

A pet is one of life's greatest gifts. Whether it be a cat, dog, goat, fish, cow, or pig - animals make life more comforting during difficult times, enjoyable through good times, and just simply bring joy to everyday life. Are they work to care for? Of course! But anything worth having, is work. My cat has been with me through what I like to call my decade of learning! My 20's. If you've never had a pet what I'm about to say may not make sense to you but I'm going to say it anyway - having him with me during some of my more difficult days made it just a bit easier for me. Pets truly love unconditionally. They love you when the rest of the world closes the door. They love you when you've screwed up, when you have succeeded, they love you when you are happy or sad. You never have to worry about the love of a pet, if you treat them right. As you probably can tell, I am an animal lover. Animals prolong the life of humans. If you are curious, volunteer at an animal shelter. Rescue a dog or cat. Its so worth it.
Thanks for the reading! Until next time, find that part of your soul that is unawakened because you will be thankful you did. xo

Thursday, May 30, 2013

S H A R I N G not S E L L I N G

Being a Beachbody Coach has been one of the most rewarding and challenging yet fulfilling opportunities for me to date. For so long I have wanted an outlet to help others. It is in my nature to want to help anyone that I can. I am a firm believer that I was placed on this earth for a greater purpose than the average 9-5 desk job. Now don’t get me mixed up. I am very thankful for my full time job that has afforded me my current lifestyle. With that said, I began Beachbody in February 2013 to share my story with others. To share what has worked for me, what hasn’t, and how I can be inspired by someone else. I plan to blog more about my journey of weight loss and goal setting so be on the lookout for that but for the purpose of this blog, I wanted to focus on sharing vs. selling.

When I began coaching for Beachbody, I literally wanted to scream from the mountain tops how excited I was to help others reach their goals!! I wanted to attract as many people as I could to share my experiences, all the knowledge I have gained over the years through my own journey as well as all the information that I was absorbing from Beachbody. I began to tell my friends and family about my new opportunity with coaching and how excited I was to get started. Little did I know how quickly my excitement would turn to fear!! Now understand, I have always been one to engage in conversation about ways in which we can be healthier and lead a more balanced life. This is a passion of mine and if you know me, I’m a very passionate person. I’m a scorpio, what more can I say? About 2-3 weeks into my new venture, I had someone totally try to deflate my excitement. It was not done intentionally but more for feedback purposes. I was told by someone close to me that I was too “salesy” and shouldn’t say this or that when I talk to people. At first, I allowed this person to take the wind out of my sail. For a moment I felt defeated at what I thought was going to be a life changing experience for me. It closed me off with fear of telling anyone about coaching as they would just think I'm trying to sell them. It made me very emotional and sad. I couldn’t understand why this person would think I was “selling” them on something and not know my true intentions of the conversation. I stewed in my own thoughts over this for a day or so after trying to repeatedly defend myself around the situation. Here is what I learned:

1.      If you are anything like me, you fear the gym. I hated being at the gym and felt like I didn’t know what I was doing so I mainly did cardio (since it requires little to no thinking). I did very little, to no strength training. How is this productive? I’m holding myself back out of fear that other people are going to judge me! I learned that Beachbody fitness programs offered me the opportunity to look like an idiot in the privacy of my own home. I could try and fail and try again without fearing that someone else was watching me. In the end I have gained confidence in myself and feel better physically than I ever have.

2.      Food is my arch nemesis. It consumes my thoughts all day, every day. I’m thinking about what to have for dinner even before I’ve had lunch. I have become very structured in my eating. I eat at the same times every day and typically I eat the same foods on a rotating schedule. Shakeology has completely altered my world when it comes to nutrition. This all natural, superfood meal replacement has taken the guess work out of 1 meal a day. This is huge for me and the health benefits from it are remarkable. I know from diet alone I would never be able to get this much nutrition without drinking Shakeology. It has helped me to lose weight, curb cravings and I’m regular for the first time that I can remember. And to top it all off, it tastes so good, keeps me full until my morning snack or lunch, and is healthier than any breakfast I grab on the go. With breakfast taken care of, now my thoughts only stick with lunch and dinner. Makes my life much easier. If you have ever struggled with weight, I'm sure you can relate to me on this.

3.      How can I not want to share with other people the benefits I’ve gotten from Beachbody? In my opinion, it would be selfish of me to keep this a secret. Here is the deal … I’m not here to “sell” anyone on anything. I am simply sharing what has worked for me. Beachbody workout programs and Shakeology have changed my life. The workout programs can be done in the privacy of your own home and Shakeology will help with your nutritional goals. Some people may take it as a sales pitch, but I’m living proof that the products work. I use the products every day. I’m not out promoting something that I don’t use myself. If you want to better your health and nutrition then of course I am going to tell you what has worked for me, that's how I've always been. Beachbody has worked for me. If you are interested at that point, then I can help you get set up. It really is as simple as that. Maybe too many people have been taken advantaged of in their life and constantly have their guard up about being sold on something? That is not my intention at all. My purpose for being a coach is to help others find inner and outer strength and beauty within themselves.

Thanks for reading! I didn't realize I had so much to say. Until next time, don’t always think that people have an ulterior motive. What they say could change your life...  xo

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Don't wish for this... wish for that!

Today I am going to keep it simple with a couple of quotes that will give you some food for thought. I am a big fan of Jim Rohn. If you have never listened to him, I highly recommend you do. He will rewire your mindset, leave you believing, and inspire you that change is good. How your life pans out is up to you.
"Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom."
"It's not the blowing of the wind that determines your destination, it's the set of the sail. The same wind blows on us all; the wind of disaster, the wind of change, the wind of opportunity. The difference in where you arrive is not determined by the wind but the set of the sail.
Take a moment and really absorb the message in these two quotes. Re-read if you must!! Do you sometimes wish life was easier on you, do you wish that things didn't seem so difficult or challenging? Life is going to happen regardless of how you feel. Make yourself better and life will get easier. And to piggy back the second quote on the first, it is how we handle what happens to us that makes us better. We all face problems. It's not a matter of you or I being isolated from everyone else, but how we rise from the situation to make it better. To grow and to learn. I would love to hear how these quotes directly relate to your life and how these will impact you to make a change in your current reality.
Thank you for reading. Until next time, believe in yourself that you are worth any change that makes you better no matter how difficult it may seem. xo

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

UnRestricted - The Name


UnRestricted – Mind.Body.Soul was created for the purpose of helping others find their inner strength and beauty without limitations. The mind, body, and soul are the three most powerful aspects of one’s life – the mind can prevent the body from achieving, which results in the soul being unhappy. Let's explore this further ...
As most of us know, the mind is a very powerful thing. It is what helps us to achieve great success. On the flipside, it also can prevent us from achieving great success. Our mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy. I'm sure many of you have had that voice in your head that screams, "eat some comfort food!" or "you know you'd rather sit on the couch and catch up on reality tv than to sweat and be out of breath!" This is very common. We all face this very same challenge. It is up to us to overcome the negative self-talk and rewire our brains to believe that we are blessed with the ability to workout. We are blessed to have healthy food choices. It is crucial to get negative self-talk under control in order to be the best we can be.
Our physical appearance, or the body, is how many of us are judged. At one time or another, you judged someone by their physical appearance. Whether it was someone overweight, someone with a lot of tattoos, or simply what the person was wearing. Whatever it may have been, we all have judged someone else at one time or another. Was it right to do? Nope! I believe people judge others based on their our own insecurities. For example, the pretty girl who walks into the room decked to the 9's. Automatically, there are a handful of ladies thinking - who does this girl think she is? Did she not get the memo that we don't get that dressed up in this town? I can guarantee that the ladies judging are the ones that are insecure with themselves and now feel like they may need to compete with this girl that is dressed to impress. Do you not agree? By being comfortable in our own bodies we become confident and carry ourselves differently. The body is a very important piece to the puzzle.
Lastly, our soul is what keeps us stable. It is our inner happiness. How can we be happy in our relationships if we are not happy with our self? Finding inner peace first leads to outer peace. To be loved is one of the greatest feelings in the world and to be able to love back adds so much pleasure to life.
With all that said, I started Unrestricted - Mind.Body.Soul because I’m committed to helping others find healthy ways to improve these three areas through exercise and nutrition. Becoming healthy and strong mentally, physically, and emotionally opens the door of opportunity for true happiness. Its time we unleash those restrictions and become the best we can be!
If you are interested in viewing my Unrestricted page, please visit
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Until the next time, keep loving yourself and believing that all great things are possible, even for you!! xo

Monday, May 27, 2013

Reflections of the Past

Welcome to my blog! The whole blogging arena is new to me but I thought what better way to share my journey than to blog about it. I would like to give you some history of how I became so passionate about health and wellness so here we go...

For so long I lived uncomfortable in my own skin. This dates back to junior high school. I can remember being envious of the other girls who had flat stomachs, who were able to attract all the guys, who could wear clothes that I couldn’t even think about with my body type. From then into my adulthood, I would look in the mirror and hate the person reflecting back at me. I didn’t dislike my internal self because I knew at the core of me, I was a great person but I hated the physical appearance of the person staring back at me. I was never content with the way my clothes were fitting. The spare tire ruled my life. Little did I know that all of this would impact all other areas of my life.
In college I was never confident or felt pretty enough to pursue any of the handsome fraternity guys. I was intimated at the thought of even starting conversation, never mind romantically pursuing. So to play it safe I became a friend to all the guys. I was the fun girl who liked to party. I drank my way through college to feel comfortable with my physical appearance. Alcohol was a way for me to have confidence and the courage to be me with little to no insecurities. After college, I continued with this destructive lifestyle with no desire or knowledge of how to change to make myself feel good, feel good without the assistance of alcohol.
Due to a lack of self-confidence, I attracted just that. I dated all the wrong guys; the heroin addict, the father-of-two “divorcee” who lied about his life, the insecure guy who had a terrible childhood and would project all his issues on to me. I began to live in a world of destruction and had no idea. I couldn’t understand why I always wanted to “save” these guys. Now that I look back on it, the only person I needed to save was myself.
From as far back as I can remember I’ve always been the “heavier” girl in my group of friends. I can remember thinking, I wish I was as thin as this person or I wish I could wear clothes like that person. I became very self-conscious of my body. In 2006 I hit the scales at my heaviest weight of approximately 170 lbs. I say approximately because I used the oldest scale available (the non digital kind that you set to zero yourself) hoping that it would somehow mask the truth of how far I let myself go.
In 2007, I was left behind by the "divorcee" only to find myself at the heaviest I can remember. For some reason or another, I believed that I was happy during those days. I never realized how overweight I became. It wasn't until I was alone that I decided it was time to focus on myself and find my place of comfort. I started tracking my food with CalorieKing and exercising regularly for the first time in my life. I felt good. I started to lose some weight and feel good about myself. I was down to about 144 lbs. Just as my life was about to take a turn, I met a guy that opened my eyes to a world of hurt I never thought I would understand.
After an extremely abusive relationship came to an end in 2010, I decided it was time to commit to myself. Figure out me. Why was I attracted to and attracting all the wrong people? Why couldn’t I identify all the red flags that everyone else saw? How could I learn to love myself and be truly happy? This was the turning point in my life. I was dedicated to myself for the first time ever. It wasn’t about pleasing anyone but me. I didn’t need to save anyone but me. Step one was to start exercising again. I needed to feel strength both physically and mentally. At this time Insanity was always playing on the tv. This was the perfect way for me to focus on getting healthy. I ordered Insanity and told myself I could do 60 days and I even tried to challenge my family in a contest of who could lose the most weight in 60 days. I began the program only to realize that this was not the right program for me considering I was recovering from a broken hand. I had no idea how much plank work was involved in this fitness program. I tried to modify and continue on only to end up giving up just like I had every other time. I gave up on myself because I was discouraged and didn't believe I could do it.
Exercising was not in the cards for me at this time so I decided to focus on food instead. I joined Weight Watchers and really devoted myself to losing weight. Around this time I started getting chatty with my current boyfriend, John. Unbeknown to me, I would find a best friend and the love of my life. We took things very slow and let our relationship flourish from a distance (and when I say distance I mean Quincy to Brighton – haha). He was everything I had always dreamed about but could never find. I can remember thinking “If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.” Or at some point he will turnout crazy just like all the others I let into my heart. For the first time in my life, I was starting to feel a balance. I felt good health wise because I was losing weight. I felt good romantically because I was dating the nicest guy I had ever met. It was so easy, it scared me. I can remember singing in the car feeling my inner diva surface. And my smile, it was a perma-grin for the whole world to see. I felt happiness like it was tangible. It changed my life, literally.
Over the last couple years, I have stayed at the same weight of about 140 lbs and exercised on and off. On December 31st, I decided to take my life back and prove to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to. I was going to start a workout program and I was going to complete all 90 days. I was so determined that I even started day 1 on NYE because it was a Monday and I am a creature of habit. Who starts a workout program on a Tuesday? I decided it was time for me to leave the excuses at the door and get fit. I bought Jillian Michaels 'Body Revolution and I completed all 90 days. It was the first time I felt proud for completing something.
February 2013, I became a coach for Beachbody. Now if you are not familiar with Beachbody, they are the creators of the popular at home fitness programs such as P90X, Insanity, Turbro Fire and many more as well as the all natural meal replacement Shakeology known as the healthiest meal of the day. Coaching has been one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done. I love to help people and what better way than to help others get fit and healthy. I will blog more about my coaching experience so stay tuned for that.
Today I currently weigh 132 lbs and am working towards a goal of 120 lbs. I'm much happier and healthier than I can ever remember. Being healthy for me has been a physical, mental, and emotional makeover. How can I not want to share what has worked for me, what hasn't and how I can help others to feel how I feel today... amazing!! I'm very passionate about health and nutrition. It drives me day to day to be the best I can be. It motivates me to want to help others. It has shaped how I want to continue to live my life.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate your support and kindness. Until the next time, stay healthy and continue pressing play :) xo