Being a Beachbody Coach has been one of the most rewarding and challenging yet fulfilling opportunities for me to date. For so long I have wanted an outlet to help others. It is in my nature to want to help anyone that I can. I am a firm believer that I was placed on this earth for a greater purpose than the average 9-5 desk job. Now don’t get me mixed up. I am very thankful for my full time job that has afforded me my current lifestyle. With that said, I began Beachbody in February 2013 to share my story with others. To share what has worked for me, what hasn’t, and how I can be inspired by someone else. I plan to blog more about my journey of weight loss and goal setting so be on the lookout for that but for the purpose of this blog, I wanted to focus on sharing vs. selling.
When I began coaching for Beachbody, I literally wanted to scream from the mountain tops how excited I was to help others reach their goals!! I wanted to attract as many people as I could to share my experiences, all the knowledge I have gained over the years through my own journey as well as all the information that I was absorbing from Beachbody. I began to tell my friends and family about my new opportunity with coaching and how excited I was to get started. Little did I know how quickly my excitement would turn to fear!! Now understand, I have always been one to engage in conversation about ways in which we can be healthier and lead a more balanced life. This is a passion of mine and if you know me, I’m a very passionate person. I’m a scorpio, what more can I say? About 2-3 weeks into my new venture, I had someone totally try to deflate my excitement. It was not done intentionally but more for feedback purposes. I was told by someone close to me that I was too “salesy” and shouldn’t say this or that when I talk to people. At first, I allowed this person to take the wind out of my sail. For a moment I felt defeated at what I thought was going to be a life changing experience for me. It closed me off with fear of telling anyone about coaching as they would just think I'm trying to sell them. It made me very emotional and sad. I couldn’t understand why this person would think I was “selling” them on something and not know my true intentions of the conversation. I stewed in my own thoughts over this for a day or so after trying to repeatedly defend myself around the situation. Here is what I learned:
1. If you are anything like me, you fear the gym. I hated being at the gym and felt like I didn’t know what I was doing so I mainly did cardio (since it requires little to no thinking). I did very little, to no strength training. How is this productive? I’m holding myself back out of fear that other people are going to judge me! I learned that Beachbody fitness programs offered me the opportunity to look like an idiot in the privacy of my own home. I could try and fail and try again without fearing that someone else was watching me. In the end I have gained confidence in myself and feel better physically than I ever have.
2. Food is my arch nemesis. It consumes my thoughts all day, every day. I’m thinking about what to have for dinner even before I’ve had lunch. I have become very structured in my eating. I eat at the same times every day and typically I eat the same foods on a rotating schedule. Shakeology has completely altered my world when it comes to nutrition. This all natural, superfood meal replacement has taken the guess work out of 1 meal a day. This is huge for me and the health benefits from it are remarkable. I know from diet alone I would never be able to get this much nutrition without drinking Shakeology. It has helped me to lose weight, curb cravings and I’m regular for the first time that I can remember. And to top it all off, it tastes so good, keeps me full until my morning snack or lunch, and is healthier than any breakfast I grab on the go. With breakfast taken care of, now my thoughts only stick with lunch and dinner. Makes my life much easier. If you have ever struggled with weight, I'm sure you can relate to me on this.
3. How can I not want to share with other people the benefits I’ve gotten from Beachbody? In my opinion, it would be selfish of me to keep this a secret. Here is the deal … I’m not here to “sell” anyone on anything. I am simply sharing what has worked for me. Beachbody workout programs and Shakeology have changed my life. The workout programs can be done in the privacy of your own home and Shakeology will help with your nutritional goals. Some people may take it as a sales pitch, but I’m living proof that the products work. I use the products every day. I’m not out promoting something that I don’t use myself. If you want to better your health and nutrition then of course I am going to tell you what has worked for me, that's how I've always been. Beachbody has worked for me. If you are interested at that point, then I can help you get set up. It really is as simple as that. Maybe too many people have been taken advantaged of in their life and constantly have their guard up about being sold on something? That is not my intention at all. My purpose for being a coach is to help others find inner and outer strength and beauty within themselves.
Thanks for reading! I didn't realize I had so much to say. Until next time, don’t always think that people have an ulterior motive. What they say could change your life... xo