Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Power of Support

“In your day, surround yourself with people who love you, motivate you, encourage you, and just make you feel good about being you!”
Tonight after work I went for a run with my love. I'm so thankful to have him in my life. It’s so nice to have someone who supports me, motivates me, and encourages me. What is so great about our relationship is that John and I do that for each other. I cannot stress enough how important a support system is. Whether it be a boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband, mom/dad, brother/sister, friend ... whoever it may be. Having a handful (or just one will do) of people who are there for you when times are tough, during times of celebration, and when you just want a friend to shop with is one of the best feelings to have. These are the people that will help you grow into the person you want to be, the ones that will make you better. They say you become who you surround yourself with. Make sure you choose wisely.
I know I quoted Jillian Michaels in my last blog but she just makes so much sense. She says everyone deserves to dream big and go for their goals!  Why, hell yes we do! If sharing your goals with people close to you becomes frustrating and upsetting because there is a lack of support then DO NOT SHARE with them! You must find other ways to have a relationship with these people. Only share with the people that support you. This will keep you on the path for achieving greatness.
Thank you for reading. Until next time, find someone who offers you support and be that someone for somebody else. xo

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