Tuesday, May 28, 2013

UnRestricted - The Name


UnRestricted – Mind.Body.Soul was created for the purpose of helping others find their inner strength and beauty without limitations. The mind, body, and soul are the three most powerful aspects of one’s life – the mind can prevent the body from achieving, which results in the soul being unhappy. Let's explore this further ...
As most of us know, the mind is a very powerful thing. It is what helps us to achieve great success. On the flipside, it also can prevent us from achieving great success. Our mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy. I'm sure many of you have had that voice in your head that screams, "eat some comfort food!" or "you know you'd rather sit on the couch and catch up on reality tv than to sweat and be out of breath!" This is very common. We all face this very same challenge. It is up to us to overcome the negative self-talk and rewire our brains to believe that we are blessed with the ability to workout. We are blessed to have healthy food choices. It is crucial to get negative self-talk under control in order to be the best we can be.
Our physical appearance, or the body, is how many of us are judged. At one time or another, you judged someone by their physical appearance. Whether it was someone overweight, someone with a lot of tattoos, or simply what the person was wearing. Whatever it may have been, we all have judged someone else at one time or another. Was it right to do? Nope! I believe people judge others based on their our own insecurities. For example, the pretty girl who walks into the room decked to the 9's. Automatically, there are a handful of ladies thinking - who does this girl think she is? Did she not get the memo that we don't get that dressed up in this town? I can guarantee that the ladies judging are the ones that are insecure with themselves and now feel like they may need to compete with this girl that is dressed to impress. Do you not agree? By being comfortable in our own bodies we become confident and carry ourselves differently. The body is a very important piece to the puzzle.
Lastly, our soul is what keeps us stable. It is our inner happiness. How can we be happy in our relationships if we are not happy with our self? Finding inner peace first leads to outer peace. To be loved is one of the greatest feelings in the world and to be able to love back adds so much pleasure to life.
With all that said, I started Unrestricted - Mind.Body.Soul because I’m committed to helping others find healthy ways to improve these three areas through exercise and nutrition. Becoming healthy and strong mentally, physically, and emotionally opens the door of opportunity for true happiness. Its time we unleash those restrictions and become the best we can be!
If you are interested in viewing my Unrestricted page, please visit www.facebook.com/Unrestricted2013.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Until the next time, keep loving yourself and believing that all great things are possible, even for you!! xo

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