Monday, July 14, 2014

Love it OR Leave it!

I captured this photo this weekend of the sky showing dark, stormy clouds on one side and white, fluffy clouds with some sunshine on the other side. I see it metaphorically as the good and bad which can be applied to any situation in life, really. What matters most is how you view it! Are you focused on the doom and gloom OR rather the silver lining?

Our outlook on life determines who we are, the attitude we carry, how others perceive us, and how we handle each situation we find ourselves in - good or bad. It has taken me some time to figure this all out but I thought it was the perfect blog topic especially after my thoughts taking the picture captured above. I want to focus on one of the major areas that seem sto impact our lives in a big way - our health. Let me explain.

We all want to be healthy! I can't imagine there is any one person in this world that is striving for an unhealthy lifestyle, consciously. The fact of the matter is that living a healthy lifestyle is NOT easy especially when we have grown up knowing one particular way of life. In order to create new habits and leave behind the un-serving ones it requires commitment and dedication in making a change. Change is plagued as one of the most fearful words because it drives you into an unknown area where you start to feel uncomfortable. You are unfamiliar, it requires time and learning of a new way, people begin to view you differently, you start to question yourself, doubt yourself and wish for instant gratification - all things to push you back towards what was comfortable but not necessarily healthy!

When you begin to change your mind (outlook) on living a healthy lifestyle it makes the journey much more enjoyable. Surround yourself with those who understand your struggles, the ones who get the "tiny" wins. Unfortunately there will always be people who try to take you down and know that this is a result of their insecurities in themselves. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with you! It will be projected onto you but it's not you! I promise!

So, rather than focusing on how miserable life is because you're now eating fruits and veggies versus chips, creamy soup and fried chicken, spend some time identifying the WHY of your change! The WHY is the good, the sunshine peaking through the clouds to encourage you to keep going. When you concentrate on everything what you cannot have, you only see the dark and gloomy. It becomes a pity party and really what does that solve other than feeling sorry for yourself that you are in a situation as a result of choices that landed you where your two feet stand. You can continue to choose just as you have and remain status quo and become worse off OR choose a different path that will lead you closer to where you want to be. Your mind is a very powerful thing and like I already stated, your outlook will determine much about your life. 

Do you love the body you're in? Do you love the attitude you wake up with every day? Do you love feeling like you do? Do you love how your clothes fit? Do you love your reflection from the mirror? Do you love how you feel after the food you eat? Do you love you?
Which opposite will you CHOOSE to see and live?
Good or Bad
Love or Hate
Happy or Sad
Light or Dark
Healthy or Unhealthy
Forward or Backward
Can or Can't
Will or Won't
Hope or Despair
Float or Sink
Alive or Dead
I could continue on but I'm sure you get my point. Until next time, choose to see the positive rather than the negative and watch how your world changes because if you don't love it then you have the choice to leave it. xo

Friday, March 21, 2014

What's YOUR Story?

Everyone has a past. We all live in the present. And many of us dream about the future. One thing ties us all together. We all have a story. A story about where we have come from, where we are now, and where we are headed.

** Picture taken at San Diego Zoo - wild at heart ** 

Some find comfort in their story while others never put any thought into it. I love when others open up to me about who they are, times they've been hurt, how they've prevailed, when they've struggled and when they've succeeded. I'm not interested in people's stories because I'm noisy, I'm interested because its a way for me to connect with them. Could I form a strong connection with this person based on our experiences? What drives them? What are their fears? What holds them back from going after everything they want in life? What is their STORY? What can I learn from them? And can I add value to their life? These are questions that steer my interactions with people I meet and those that I already know. Let me be clear, I'm not looking to save the world. I'm looking to connect with others beyond surface level conversation. I want to know what makes someone who they are, what makes them tick and what pushes them to tock.

I call these types of interactions heart-to-hearts. They come from a place of vulnerability. It's honesty at its finest. Since I can remember I have always valued having heart-to-heart conversations with others. In my About Me section of MySpace (and I'm dating back), I added things I love and heart-to-hearts was part of it. I guess I never realized WHY until now. It is a way for me to connect with someone on a completely different level than every day to day interactions. It is an open window of opportunity to learn about someone. Maybe its simply talking about a passion of theirs. Or a time that was relatable to a time in my life. Whatever it is, it was powerful to me then and even more so now. I crave these types of conversations. But as I grow older, I find people are more shut off from telling their story.

What I've learned is that people are afraid to share their story. There is a wall built during some point of our lives called "it's nobody's business what I've been through." This wall is a form of protection. It protects us from judgment of others, shields us from embarrassment of things we did that we may not necessarily be proud of, and keeps us in a zone of comfort knowing that we don't need to talk about where we've "been" if we don't want to.

At one time I felt this way until I dug a bit deeper into my history. I acknowledge now that I am who I am because of all my life's experiences. I may be a different person if I never experienced the things in my past. I may not know the strength within me if I didn't experience hurt. I would absolutely not understand true, genuine love if I didn't experience dysfunction. I wouldn't know what unconditional love meant if I never encountered conditional love. I may never have understood the power of family if I never challenged their guidance. What I'm trying to get at is that everyone should own their story, realize it has brought them to the place they currently stand. Some will be proud while others not so much. It's a way to take your own inventory to determine is this a path that I want to be on? If it is then stand tall and proud of who you are and where you're headed. If it's not, then it's time to re-evaluate what you want out of life and how you can make changes. Change is not easy but at times is necessary.

So I end this blog asking you, what's YOUR story? I will be posting a separate blog about MY story to share with the world. If I can connect with/inspire/motivate just one other person than sharing was more than worth it to me. I'm proud of who I am today and wouldn't be here without where I've come from.

Thanks for reading and until next time hold your story close and be proud to share it because you just may impact someone else's life in a way you never imagined. We all have a story. xoxo  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Two Kinds of People

When I began coaching I was introduced to the idea of personal development! Some may call it self-help or therapy. It has really been life changing for me. I have and continue to learn a significant amount about myself and my interactions with others. I read and/or listen to audio daily. Some people may frown upon personal development which continues to confuse me so I don't spend much time on figuring out why. The bottom line is... why wouldn't you want to be a better person? Why wouldn't you want to live your best life?

On my way in and home from Boston, I was listening to John C Maxwell's audio on The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. There was one thing that really stuck out to me (many things were worthy of noting but this one thing made me think further in to myself). According to JCM, there are just two kinds of people in this world - those who lift and those who lean. When you really put some thought into it, his statement couldn't be more true? Let's analyze further...

lifters are those who go the extra mile. They are known to bend over backwards for others. You may have heard the expression, "(s)he would cut off his/her arm for you!" This person is a lifter. They lift you up. Lifters want to help others and add value to each life they touch. Their prime purpose for this life is to rise above the negative and bring out the positive.

On the flip side, leaners are those that essentially suck the life out of you. You dread picking up the phone when these people call. You find it a drag to be in their presence as they just bring you down. You could say these are the Debbie Downers of the bunch. Their leaning is tiring and for the most part, does not add much value to others. Their prime focus is on themselves without a care about you.

At times, I would imagine there is some of both (lifting and leaning) in all of us. No one is perfect. However, you are either a lifter or leaner - one more than the other. Whether you lift or lean, it is all dependent on what you choose to maximize on. It is a choice to be one or the other. Just like happiness is a choice. Our attitude will define who we are. We are in control of ourselves and what we allow to impact our lives. The problem with leaners is, some people may not realize they're leaners!

With that said, I challenge you to take a look within yourself. Do you add value to others or do you suck the life right out of them?

Thanks for reading! Until next time I ask you, are you a lifter or leaner? xoxo

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The First Step

The first step is always the scariest. It is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failing. Fear of falling. Fear of public humiliation. Fear of struggle. Fear of not being good enough. It is fear that holds us back. It keeps us in our ever so lovely area called the comfort zone. I once read the quote, "comfort zones are comfortable because they're familiar not because they're healthy." Boy does that ring true! We settle for what is comfortable.. out of fear. We could very well be unhappy, unhealthy, miserable, and desperate for change yet many never take that first step to propel in a different direction. The direction that could lead to happiness, healthiness, joy - all the things that life is meant to be.
Many people will and are starting a new fitness/weight loss program today. But that is not the first step. The first step is recognizing a change must be made. Do you feel uncomfortable when you sit because your clothes are too tight? Maybe you can't help but focus on the negative when you see your reflection in the mirror. Or quite possibly are just unhappy but aren't sure why. Whatever it may be, what ever could be the driver to change - recognizing it needs to go in a different direction IS the first step. It means that you recognize something needs to be done, you must take action. Take responsibility that YOU hold all the power to say at any given moment, the story does not have to end this way. That is the first step. 
Now many will think, oh big deal - that's not that scary! It takes a lot to own your issues and do something about them. Taking action can be just as scary and nerve racking. Asking for help is staring fear in the face. Fear will tell you that you can't allow people to know that you're struggling. Fear will tell you that it's easier to say "this is life!" and "I must suck it up." Fear will tell you that you can't do it even though right now you may think you can. Fear will stop you dead in your tracks and make you second guess yourself for even considering a change needs to occur. To ask for help or support is one of the bravest things you can do. I think we take it for granted what kind of courage that requires. People do not understand the power of support. The power of knowing you are not alone even though you think you are. It becomes a healing process. A learning process. You develop. And before you know it, you are becoming that person you always dreamed about. Things that seemed unfamiliar and uncomfortable will begin to become your new comfort zone. But you can't get there without that first step. 
 If you've taken that first step and are now executing, here's to you. Day one is tough. It gets better. But we all have been there. And getting through day 1, is the only way to get to day 2, and so on. I celebrate you, your courage, and dedication to be more than fear will allow you to be. If you know you need to change, I highly encourage you to reach out. You will be overwhelmed by the support a positive community can offer your life. I can help you if you need a friend.
Thanks for reading and until next time do not let fear dictate how your life is lived. You deserve more. xoxo

Saturday, March 8, 2014

It's (NOT) a Pyramid Scheme

When you reflect upon your job, do you feel satisfied, content, and happy? Do you dread Sunday because you know the following day you will be returning to your J.O.B for the week? At any point in time does it cross your mind that there HAS  got to be a BETTER way?

I'm guilty of it and so many others are too! The great society we live in has pinned all Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) structures as the big ole pyramid scheme. Without hesitation we are quick to tell someone, "ohh... you're part of one of those pyramid thingys?" or "Nope, I'm not interested in being involved with a pyramid scheme!" As I already stated, I'm most definitely guilty until I educated myself and learned the power of an MLM structure. It's not a pyramid scheme, those are illegal and I do not participate in illegal activities. Here is some food for thought...

When you stop and think about all the qualities your dream job would have, what would they be? I'll wait... go ahead, grab a pen and paper ... you may want to begin with things that you don't want in your job/career? Now brainstorm all the things that would be ideal.

Let me guess... it looks something like this - no boss, no punch clock, no commute, no alarm-clock, no politics. You do want - room to advance/personal growth, time freedom, financial freedom, fun, rewarding/meaningful, appreciated, supported, positive environment. And there may be more items on your wish list but most people will tend to fall somewhere in these areas. Here comes the problem, society has brainwashed people to believe our dream job does not exist or it exists but with a great deal of risk. One more thing society has all wrong.

If you want to educate yourself on MLM I highly suggest picking up the book Go Pro by Eric Worre. He does an outstanding job in explaining why Network Marketing isn't perfect, it's just BETTER. He further explains that all jobs fall into 1 of 5 categories: blue collar, white collar, sales, traditional business ownership, and investing. None of these categories will satisfy that dream list you drafted above, for numerous reasons. And this, my friends is where Network Marketing comes into play.

I'm going to give you a look into how Eric describes why Network Marketing is better.
Companies have choices. They can dive into the ever-fragmented world of advertising to get the word out, they care hire a large and expensive sales force to sell their products or services, or they can utilize Network Marketing to tell their story to the world.
More and more companies will choose to use Network Marketing because it fits the New Economy. They can provide all the corporate support and pay distributors on a purely performance basis to promote their products. It's extremely efficient because in the New Economy, word-of-mouth advertising continues to work better than any other form of promotion. The company can just take the money they would have spend on advertising and promotion and pay it to their distributors to spread the word. 
What that means for you as an entrepreneur is that you can receive all the benefits of traditional business ownership without the typical risks. And there will be no cap on your income, because Network Marketing companies WANT you to make as much as possible. If you're going to be paid for performance anyway, why live with the cap?
Network Marketing for sure fits the model of your perfect career list. It gives you the freedoms to be what you want with no restrictions. There is just one thing that that people must know when moving forward with MLM and Eric describes it perfectly, "you must accept a temporary loss of social esteem from ignorant people."

There will always be someone that takes the wind out of your sales. Somebody who tries to discourage you from taking a risk to be better. Some people who whisper that you're apart of a pyramid scheme. My suggestion is to embrace these people. Do not let them take you down. You are put in this place because you belong here. We are all meant for something better and what is sad is that only a small percentage of us find it. Don't be one of those people who settle because "that's just how life is." NOOO - that is not how life is and you have every opportunity to make your life everything you want it to be.

Thanks for reading and until next time, don't be closed minded to things that you don't fully understand... the best opportunities surface when you open your mind. xo


Friday, March 7, 2014

Never Give Up

To never give up ... to push with all you've got and then just a little bit more. This can really apply to all areas of life. I find that many times we give up on ourselves and don't even recognize that we're doing it. We throw in the towel way too soon and perhaps when a miracle is just about to happen!  
In 2013, I followed the theme of dreaming BIG. It was something that completely changed my life. It became a way for me to envision my future just the way I want it. It has kept a fire burning inside of me to go for the gold and create baby steps that propel me in the direction of my dream(s). Was it scary to set really big goals... umm YES!! I am a perfectionist (one reason why I don't do well with scrapbooking - haha) in some areas of my life and work is one of them. I guess I could be called a bit obsessive about things. I want to know everything about everything. I will ask a million and one questions until I feel like I'm gaining a solid understanding. So for me to dream big, it came with the fear of failing. Failing was not something I have ever embraced. I used to make excuses as to why I did what I did or find reasons to justify it so that it didn't look like failure. Maybe I was trying to mask the disappointment of others so I didn't feel so bad about myself. Whatever it was, I didn't own it or take responsibility for it until I began to really focus on me. Looking back now, every failure that I did come in contact with developed strength and character. I learned what to do, what not to do, what I like, what I don't like, how to forgive and how my attitude can determine the outcome of any situation - overall the most valuable learning experience ever. And for the record every day is a new learning experience to take in and grow from.
Fast forward, now living in 2014 the theme is to NEVER GIVE UP! What a perfect way to piggy-back on 2013. Dream really big and then never give up on that dream. It almost brings me to tears to think how powerful these two years will be in my 33 years of existence. I have set some pretty hefty goals for myself and I know that as long as I believe in me (even when others do not) that I can achieve every.single.goal I set and then some.
The video in this blog is the perfect depiction of never giving up as the miracle is just about to happen when you push really hard and then give just a little bit more. True inspiration. Gives me chills. Apply this concept to all areas of life: personal, professional, relationships, etc and you are sure to live an amazingly fulfilled life.
Thanks for reading and until next time dream big, set goals, take action and remember your miracle is just around the corner. xo