Monday, July 14, 2014

Love it OR Leave it!

I captured this photo this weekend of the sky showing dark, stormy clouds on one side and white, fluffy clouds with some sunshine on the other side. I see it metaphorically as the good and bad which can be applied to any situation in life, really. What matters most is how you view it! Are you focused on the doom and gloom OR rather the silver lining?

Our outlook on life determines who we are, the attitude we carry, how others perceive us, and how we handle each situation we find ourselves in - good or bad. It has taken me some time to figure this all out but I thought it was the perfect blog topic especially after my thoughts taking the picture captured above. I want to focus on one of the major areas that seem sto impact our lives in a big way - our health. Let me explain.

We all want to be healthy! I can't imagine there is any one person in this world that is striving for an unhealthy lifestyle, consciously. The fact of the matter is that living a healthy lifestyle is NOT easy especially when we have grown up knowing one particular way of life. In order to create new habits and leave behind the un-serving ones it requires commitment and dedication in making a change. Change is plagued as one of the most fearful words because it drives you into an unknown area where you start to feel uncomfortable. You are unfamiliar, it requires time and learning of a new way, people begin to view you differently, you start to question yourself, doubt yourself and wish for instant gratification - all things to push you back towards what was comfortable but not necessarily healthy!

When you begin to change your mind (outlook) on living a healthy lifestyle it makes the journey much more enjoyable. Surround yourself with those who understand your struggles, the ones who get the "tiny" wins. Unfortunately there will always be people who try to take you down and know that this is a result of their insecurities in themselves. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with you! It will be projected onto you but it's not you! I promise!

So, rather than focusing on how miserable life is because you're now eating fruits and veggies versus chips, creamy soup and fried chicken, spend some time identifying the WHY of your change! The WHY is the good, the sunshine peaking through the clouds to encourage you to keep going. When you concentrate on everything what you cannot have, you only see the dark and gloomy. It becomes a pity party and really what does that solve other than feeling sorry for yourself that you are in a situation as a result of choices that landed you where your two feet stand. You can continue to choose just as you have and remain status quo and become worse off OR choose a different path that will lead you closer to where you want to be. Your mind is a very powerful thing and like I already stated, your outlook will determine much about your life. 

Do you love the body you're in? Do you love the attitude you wake up with every day? Do you love feeling like you do? Do you love how your clothes fit? Do you love your reflection from the mirror? Do you love how you feel after the food you eat? Do you love you?
Which opposite will you CHOOSE to see and live?
Good or Bad
Love or Hate
Happy or Sad
Light or Dark
Healthy or Unhealthy
Forward or Backward
Can or Can't
Will or Won't
Hope or Despair
Float or Sink
Alive or Dead
I could continue on but I'm sure you get my point. Until next time, choose to see the positive rather than the negative and watch how your world changes because if you don't love it then you have the choice to leave it. xo

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