Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Miracle of Life

First weddings now babies. The waves of life! At my age, most of my friends are now married and having kids. My Facebook newsfeed is full of cute babies through all stages of life. It's very heart warming to see the love of my friends as parents not to mention how super cute their kids are. With that said how can I not think about the miracle of life? I mean, really think about it!! Two people come together and through intimacy the joining of a sperm and egg create a life. A person... a human being! And then after 9 months of growing this baby, he/she enters the world. Enters the world just as he/she was in your belly! It totally blows my mind. It is truly a miracle. 

Now you may be wondering why my picture is of my cat and not a baby. Well that's because I don't have any kids yet. Having a pet is liking having a kid. You love them as if they were your "kid" so I thought it would only be appropriate for me to post a picture of my "kid" until I have a baby! 

Thanks for reading and until next time, love your baby/pet with all you have! xo